Kemp Beach

One of the best trails to hike while visiting Yeppoon
G’day it’s Pat and in this post I am taking you all with me up Kemp Hill.
Kemp Hill or the Bluff Point walking trail is my favourite trail in the Yeppoon area. Whenever I get the itch to get outdoors that’s where I usually end up. This trail is a circuit which nice that you don’t have to double back on yourself.
Now most people like to do the circuit heading to the left but I like to go to the right. My reason is that the back of the hill is little more boring and I like to get that part out of the way in the first part of the trail not the end. Some disagree including my sister, her reason is also the steps are steeper and trickier on the beach side so it is easier to go up them than down them. Fair call. So if you have a dodgy joint or two sure head up the trail to the left. However another reason I like going up the backway to the right is once you hit the top the view is all in front of you. I feel when you come up the other way its behind. Just my opinion.
There is lovely little spots throughout the entire trails to stop and soak up the views of the beaches, islands and wetlands. It doesn’t take too long to get to the top and sit on the bench and take it all in. Beautiful uninterrupted views of the islands, just let your worries bloat away in the breeze. It is really worth it if you have the time while you’re in the area.
Now depending on which way you head up there is established look outs on your way up or down. Great places to get those selfies in. I love Turtle Look-out because if you’re lucky you can actually see turtles. Sometimes you just have to take a break in your walk and wait. I had taken this trail countless times and never saw a turtle but I also never took the time to look. So don’t speed on through the look-out because sometimes it takes a little while before you see a turtle poke their head up. Take your time, enjoy the amazing view and fingers crossed you will see one or two or five.
The next best thing about doing the Kemp Hill or the Bluff Point walking trail is you can go for a swim at Kemp Beach to cool down straight after. I love Kemp Beach. No houses around, cute little island in the middle, what more could you want? There is loo blocks and outdoor showers at the beach too. Oh and there is a BBQ area there too. Everything you need for a great day out. Can you tell I like the area?
Maybe next time I’ll take you up Double Head and Pebble beach which is just on the other side of the bay by the harbour. So much to see and do around Yeppoon! All I can say is get out there and get amongst it.
Post by Pat Lilleboe.
Directions & Info
Striking rock formations, breathtaking vistas and a diverse range of plants and animals. It’s a 2.3 kilometre circuit that offers panoramic views of the coastline.